What is Sea Cadets?
Sea Cadets is a program offered by the Department of National Defense and the Navy League of Canada to Canadian youth aged 12-18 years old and the program is offered at NO COST to the cadets or parents / guardians.
As a Cadet, youth will have the opportunity to participate in various forms of activities and training. Training opportunities will involve aspects of citizenship, physical fitness, sailing, seamanship, marksmanship, drill, naval knowledge and music. Each phase or year of training, will allow cadets to develop and practice different leadership and teamworking skills.
The local training program follows the school calendar, running from September till June. Additional training opportunities may also be available to cadets in the form of summer training centres. or participate in Navy, Tall Ship or Coast Guard Deployments.
Upcoming Activities
Jan 16 - Regular training night - 1830-2130h (C5 STU dress)
Jan 18 - Multi-unit Activity Day at CFB Trenton 0830-1600h - (Civilian clothing including jacket, hat and mitts as cadets will be outside for a bit) (Cadets will need to be dropped off and picked up at CFB Trenton. There is NO transport from the unit!)
Jan 23 - YMCA Sports and Fitness night - 1800-2030h (Civilian sports attire)
Jan 28 - Swimming at the Wellness Centre - 1915-2100h (limited spots)
Jan 30 - CO's parade Training night - 1830-2130h (C1 Ceremonial Dress)
​For more detailed information on these activities please check the online calendar