The Navy League of Canada, Belleville Branch is committed to providing a positive and safe environment where the youth of our community can develop citizenship and. leadership skills.
It is the responsibility of the Navy League to provide the facility and the resources for the Belleville Sea Cadet Corps. The cadet training programme is set out by the Department of National Defence. The Navy League in Belleville owns the building, boats and musical instruments that support this programme. We provide financial support and many volunteer hours to provide the optional extra-curricular activities that keep our cadets interested and participating.
President: Jon Etcher
Past President: Carol Taylor
Vice President: Jennifer Bharadia
Treasurer: Carol Taylor
Secretary: Jennifer Bharadia
Sea Cadet Chair: Stella Colwill/ Sarah Lanay
Boat Chair: Jim Galway
Building Chair: Pieter Molenkamp
Fundraising Chair: Maurene Czyczyro
Brian Hearn
Eugene Maybee
William Morrissey
Paul Smith
Nripjeet Sandhu Singh
Jean Czyczyro
Julie Geitner
On August 31 2021 we had the privilege of handing out awards to some of our long term navy league members. They are as follows:

Jim Galway: Rear-Admiral Bennett Leadership Award
in recognition of his extraordinary long-term commitment, dedication, leadership and mentorship to
cadets, staff and volunteers with the Navy League of Canada in the Belleville Branch and across Ontario
Division serving in a wide variety of capacities. His dedication to cadets and volunteers at the corps,
Branch, and Division levels has earned him a great deal of respect throughout the Navy League of
Canada. He has been a member of our Branch for 24 years.

Debra O’Shaughnessy: Meritorious Service Award
in recognition of especially meritorious service to the Navy League of Canada and the Cadet Movement.
She has been financial chair of the Belleville Branch for 18 years.

William Morrissey: Ontario Division Bravo Zulu Award
In recognition of his outstanding long-term dedication and significant contributions to the Royal Canadian Sea Cadet program and the Belleville Branch of the Navy League of Canada. Bill has been with the Branch for 18 years but previously spent his entire career working with the cadet movement.

Eugene Maybee: Ontario Division Bravo Zulu Award
In recognition of his long-term outstanding dedication to the cadets of RCSCC Quinte and Belleville Branch of the Navy League of Canada, personally responsible for much of the building maintenance.
Serving as a Director with the Branch for over 18 years, he has been an incredible willing volunteer whose personal philosophy has always been “Anything for the Cadets”.

Stella Colwill: Certificate of Service
in recognition of over a decade of dedicated service with the Belleville Branch and support to RCSCC Quinte. As the unofficial Galley Chair” she has contributed significantly to the morale of cadets and volunteer and is renowned for her baking.
For more information on the Navy League Canada:
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For more information on Volunteering with the Navy League:
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